Having recently got the bug of buying vinyl records again my latest purchase is People by Hothouse Flowers.

Released in 1987 People was the first album by Hothouse Flowers and is probably the best debut album ever. It is a stunning body of work and quite rightly catapulted Hothouse Flowers into the mainstream helped in no small part by the brilliant single Don’t Go being featured during the Eurovision Song Contest. Quite simply Don’t Go was the best song of the evening even though it wasn’t entered into the contest and was just used as a filler piece whilst votes were being counted.

People is an album I would recommend as essential listening. 37 years since it’s release it’s still an astonishing record. Hothouse Flowers never did quite become the massive international stars that was promised by their debut album but they are still going and I had the huge pleasure of seeing them live last year.

Take a listen to the album, I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

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