This afternoon I uploaded a reel of my song Dance With The Angels to Facebook. The reel contained an excerpt from the song and a video using images under a licence I own.

Universal Music Group, who according to their website are the world’s leading music company, have decided that something in my song Dance With The Angels infringes some part of their empire.

And of course Facebook complies with their wishes immediately and puts me on warning that Universal are claiming ownership of my song.

I have several problems with this. Historically the likes of Universal have sold musicians out, made pacts with the devils like Spotify to the detriment of artists and royally screwed over as many people as they can with almost total impunity.

The fact that they can demand instant action by that other uncaring megalith Facebook shows the complete imbalance between the likes of you and me and the huge, faceless corporations who want to control everything we see, hear and do.

Well, Universal you didn’t write my song, I did. You didn’t play all the instruments on it, I did. Dance With The Angels has been on streaming services throughout the world since May 2021 and if you think you had anything to do with it then you can go fuck yourselves. And take Facebook with you.

Yes, I’ve put in a counter claim to Facebook but I have to ask why Facebook didn’t demand something more than Universal’s word for it before shutting my reel down.

What Universal are accusing me of is theft. They are accusing me of stealing something from someone else. In other words a common criminal. Again, Universal, go fuck yourselves.

Dance With The Angels has has less than 20,000 Spotify streams and less than 3,000 YouTube views and that somehow threatens the existence of the world’s leading music company. What an insecure bunch of losers you must be.

The reality is that no-one at Universal knows this is going on, some algorithm, some bot has decided for them that I’m a plagiariser, a thief. I’m not and it deeply offends me to have to fight to clear my name. Justify it Universal or fuck off.

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