The video for my song My Guardian Angel has now passed 500 views.

First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who has taken the time to watch the video. As anyone who has watched the video will know it’s not an easy video to watch. It tells the story of my partner Christine and her life from being a baby to her untimely death from blood cancer.

I released My Guardian Angel in Christine’s memory partly to celebrate her life and the impact she had on me and those around us but also to raise awareness and money for the Blood Cancer UK charity.

Through sales of the CD, streams and our Just Giving page we raised an incredible amount of money in Christine’s name. She would have been amazed at the outpouring that followed her death and she would have been deeply embarrassed at being the centre of attention.

The fact is that in the UK one in three of us will suffer from some sort of cancer. We all know someone who has fought this disease and sadly virtually all of us know someone we’ve lost to cancer.

Please watch the video and remember those you have known who are no longer with us due to this awful disease.

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