I’m just over 18 months into my public musical journey. I released my first commercially available music in January 2021 in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.

Since then I released three more singles and an album in 2021 and another three singles so far in 2022. I can’t say the world has stopped to listen to my music but some kind people have and some of those have sent some very kind words which I appreciate more than I can express.

I didn’t start recording and releasing my songs to become rich and famous, which is a good thing because I’ve fully achieved neither, I did it because it was something burning inside me, something that’s been there since my teens. And frankly if I didn’t get on and do it now I would never get round to it.

I’ve a lot more music in me to record and release so I have absolutely no plans to stop anytime soon, but I have also come to realise what an honour it is to have the facilities and time to be able to do this.

I hope that you’ve liked what I’ve released so far and I hope that you’ll like what’s to come. Either way, thank you for taking your precious time to listen to the sounds I’ve created.

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